What is Nova?

Nova is an intelligent oncology navigation platform that allows cancer care teams to get patients the right information at the right time by using machine learning to manage and triage incoming calls and digital communications.

Who is Nova for?

Nova was designed specifically for ambulatory oncology care providers and their patients because of our founder’s personal experience with breast cancer.

Will Nova replace the front office staff?

No. Nova is an “assisted” patient navigator designed to support front-office teams, not replace them.

How is Nova different from my telephone IVR system?

Even if your phone system routes callers to the right department or resource, it’s likely many of them will still end up in voicemail. Most Interactive Voice Response systems record and store voicemails in the order they are received (first in, last out). Nova uses a proprietary algorithm to prioritize/triage the communications so the most urgent can be handled first.

Will Nova be available for other healthcare sectors?

Eventually, yes. For right now, we’re focused on oncology so we can deliver the best service and product possible.

What does Nova do?

Nova reduces the time front office staff at oncology clinics spend listening to, transcribing, and responding to patient messages. Because there’s virtually no way of knowing which messages are urgent without listening to them all, there’s a lot of uncertainty for both patient and the care team. Nova’s standard contact center automates some of the workflow around transcribing and responding to patient messages, answering those that don’t need a human touch and prioritizing and routing the rest to the appropriate staff for handling.

How much does Nova cost?

Nova’s pricing varies depending on a number of factors including the size of the practice or network, the number of patients, and the applications or features that your practice needs. When we provide a quote, we’re transparent about everything that’s included, so you’ll always understand the value you’re getting.

What are some of the important data points that help Nova triage contacts?

If you would like for us to integrate Nova with your EHR system, we use a few key data points/values to inform our triage score and recommend a callback sequence based on urgency.

What if my practice has not implemented an Electronic Health Records system? Can I still use Nova?

Absolutely! Practices that use mostly manual or low-tech processes, have tight budgets and small teams get the most benefit from the platform. If you're going to implement technology, you need an intelligent product that can remove or automate as many of the routine and administrative tasks as possible.